4 min read

Analysis of Fillet Welds

Analysis of Fillet Welds
Photo by Dane Deaner / Unsplash

The following information should be used for sizing calculations ONLY! Any formal calculations MUST use values/standards from relevant company or engineering standards.

A fillet weld is a type of weld that is used to join two metallic components, typically at right angles to each other, forming an L shape. The weld is triangular in shape and may have a concave, flat or convex surface depending on the welder's technique. It is one of the most common types of welds and is widely used in a variety of industries including: automotive, marine and construction.

The critical dimension of a fillet weld is the throat (t). However in some standards a fillet weld can be described by its leg length (s). Care must be taken to ensure the correct dimension is used in the following sizing calculations.

Best Practice / Rule of Thumb

A fillet weld will typically fail in shear across the throat of the weld (t). In order to achieve a full strength weld we would recommend starting your calculations with a weld leg size of:

s=weld leg size, Tp=plate thickness (shown below)

The fillet weld throat thickness can then be calculated as:

t=weld throat thickness, s=weld leg size

Tensile Load Case

For all the calculations below we have considered a double sized fillet weld connection. If the fillet weld of length L, is loaded by the applied force P the corresponding stress would be:

Shear stress across weld:

P=applied load, t=weld throat thickness, L=length of weld

Bending Load Case

In the following we have considered a fillet weld connection supporting a cantilevered bar carrying a load at its free end. For this load case we can consider two scenarios: one where the fillet welds are perpendicular to the applied load, and the other where the fillet welds are parallel to the applied load.

Case 1

Shear stress in weld:

P=applied load, t=weld throat thickness, L=length of weld

Bending stress in weld:

P=applied load, b=distance of P from base material, d=distance from neutral axis

where I is the second moment of area of the two welds about its centroid:

L=length of weld, t=weld throat thickness, d=distance from neutral axis

Case 2

Shear stress in weld:

P=applied load, t=weld throat thickness, L=length of weld

Bending stress in weld:

P=applied load, b=distance of P from base material, d=distance from neutral axis

where I is the second moment of area of the two welds about its centroid:

L=length of weld, t=weld throat thickness

Torsional Load Case

Consider a fillet weld connection carrying an applied load P, as shown below, this will result in both a torsional (torque) and shear force in the weld. The stresses acting on the weld can be calculated as follows:

Shear stress in weld:

P=applied load, t=weld throat thickness, L=length of weld

Torsional shear stress in weld:

P=applied load, b=perpendicular distance to applied load

where r is the maximum radial distance of weld to its centroid:

L=length of weld, d=distance from neutral axis

and J is the polar moment of inertia of the two welds about its centroid:

L=length of weld, t=weld throat thickness, d=distance from neutral axis

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